The Iguana Cage Page

Suitable Bird Cages (for Iguanas)

Until I have more time, I am going to let the following photos speak for themselves. I found all of these ads in Bird Talk Magazine, in or about the spring of 1996. Some of these companies may be out of business, or some of their contact information may have changed. I apologize in advance if that is the case. I do not have any direct experience with any of these companies, however - I simply believe that these cages are the best options I've seen for single or multiple adult iguans. I urge you to pick up a copy of Bird Talk Magazine (or another bird magazine) for a wider selection of advertisements. I continue to believe that bird cages and aviaries are the best available option for adult iguana caging.

Avian Accents

California Cageworks

Morton Jones

Pet Enclosures

Phoenix Cage Co.

Swelland's Cage and Supply Co.